07 March 2025 | Bericht
The "Chemical Industry in Figures" provides a comprehensive overview of key figures of the German chemical-pharmaceutical industry. In tabular form you will find figures on the sector in Germany, its importance in the German and European economy as well as in international comparison, the use of energy and raw materials in the sector, its research activities and much more. Data are updated continuously. The data for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry are mostly shown separately.

By clicking on the download you will get to the individual tables. These are updated continuously. The tables are available in Excel format. Please observe the respective copyright notices if you continue to use the data.
The statistical compendium "Chemical Industry in Figures" contains the following chapters:
- The Chemical-Pharmaceutical Industry in Germany
- Production
- Prices
- Turnover
- Employment and Income
- Consumption of Energy and Raw Materials
- Foreign Trade
- Investments
- Research and Development
- Financial Data
- Environment
- Transport
- International Statistics on the Chemical-Pharmaceutical Industry
- Explanations on Abbreviations
- Abbreviations
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The brochure “Chemiewirtschaft in Zahlen“ (The Chemical Industry in Figures) is protected by copyright. Copies and/or the dissemination of this brochure (as a whole or in excerpts) and/or publicly making available its content are permitted only with the consent of Verband der Chemischen Industrie e. V. (VCI). In this brochure the VCI uses own information and data materials from third parties. Notwithstanding the above copyright rules, the rights of the respective authors need to be observed for these third party data.
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