28. September 2022 | Position
Wood is important for storage of CO₂. If used in a sustainable way, it is a key element in reaching the Green Deal objectives.

Effective chemical preservation prolongs the service life and significantly improves the sustainability profile of wood, particularly of European-grown species. However, current interpretation and implementation of regulations threatens the continued availability of effective wood preservation solutions. The VCI calls for urgent improvement of the European regulatory framework to ensure the continued availability of effective wood preservation and to:
- Recognise the importance and benefits of chemical wood preservation and ensure continued availability of effective wood protection products.
- Strengthen innovation for Europe through a more reliable regulatory process and shorter timelines for new and improved products coming to the market.
- Ensure functioning of the internal EU market by fair and consistent implementation of the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR).
You'll find the entire discussion paper in the download section below.
English-language presentation available
The German Chemical Industry Association (VCI), the German Construction Chemicals Association, the European Wood Preservative Manufacturers Group (EWPM) and the European Institute for Wood Preservation (WEI) have jointly addressed the importance of wood preservatives in achieving the goals of the Green Deal.
The cooperation has also resulted in an English-language presentation that will be made available to companies wishing to address the importance of wood preservatives in achieving the goals of the Green Deal to policy-makers.
Besides manufacturers of wood preservatives, representatives of the relevant customer industries can also use the presentation for their own discussions. A "living" Q&A document complements the presentation with additional background information.
Would you like to use the presentation? We also provide the presentation as a PowerPoint file - you'll find it in the download section below.
Wood preservation is key for the European Green Deal
PDF | 1 MB | Stand: 23. Juni 2021 -
Presentation: Wood preservation - Key for Green Deal (log in required)
PPTX | 8 MB | Stand: 26. September 2022 -
FAQ to PT 8 White Paper: Wood Protection (log in required)
PDF | 109 kB | Stand: 26. September 2022
Für Fragen und Anregungen nehmen Sie gerne Kontakt mit uns auf.

Dr. Evelyn Roßkamp
Biozide, Human-Biomonitoring, Innenraumluft, VCI-Serviceplattform "REACH, CLP und Biozide"
- E-Mail: rosskamp@vci.de