Construction Chemistry Teaching Material

From Caves to Skyscrapers


The didactic concept of this information series presents three areas: “Building materials”, “Threats” and “Prophylaxis or Therapy”. The teaching material as well as the worksheets and experiments were prepared in cooperation with Deutsche Bauchemie (DBC)

Teaching material
64 Pages / DIN A4
Target group
teacher, secondary level I and II

Who thinks about chemistry when admiring architecture? Probably not very many people do but without chemistry nothing could be built: No streets, bridges or airports, no stores, no buildings for leisure or sporting activities and certainly no leading-edge construction projects such as the highest building in the word, the more than 800 metre tall skyscraper Burj Khalifa in Dubai. Conventional building materials such as lime, sand, cement, gypsum or wood no longer suffice by themselves; the right admixtures are needed to give a building material special capabilities.



For questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us.

 Birgit Kullmann

Dipl.-Biol. Birgit Kullmann

Unterrichts- und Informationsmaterialien,