The flyer describes how the Transport-Accident-Information-and Emergency-Response-System of the German chemical indutry (TUIS) works in practice. The services of help range from consultation by phone up to technical help at the location of emergency.
- Foldout
- 8 Pages / DIN A4
- Target group
- Public emergency services: police, competent authorities, Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW)

There are manifold options for travel and transportation in Germany – with heavy traffic, large volumes of freight and transports of dangerous goods. Emergency services are used to dealing with all this. All the same, around 800 times annually they need more specific advice or assistance: in transport accidents involving chemicals and also in accidents in production and warehousing.
Help comes from TUIS – the Transport-Accident-Information and Emergency-Response-System of the German chemical industry: a network of company experts and fire brigades at some 130 locations. Since 1982, TUIS has been supporting emergency services nationwide – around the clock, on 365 days of the year and in a fast and unbureaucratic manner.
The TUIS brochure outlines the three levels of support and the functioning of the TUIS database. It also explains the links between the cooperation partners in Germany and Europe. An updated list of TUIS emergency call centers and a map with the locations of TUIS member companies round off the picture.
Further information is available at .
For questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us.

Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Roth
Gefahrgut, Ladungssicherung, Transportsicherheit, TUIS, Verkehr und Logistik
- E-mail: