BioTech Letter 1 | 2024

Biotechnology: Safeguarding patentability




BioTech Letter



The EU is currently working on a legal framework for new genomic techniques (NGTs). A step that is long overdue. However, over the course of the legislative process, there have been recurring calls to deny basic patent protection to plants and plant material bred using NGTs, thereby weakening the established Biopatent Directive. This is not appropriate and threatens legal certainty far beyond the plant sector.

4 Pages / DIN A4
Target group
General public
Biotechnology: Safeguarding patentability is essential

Biotechnology: Safeguarding patentability is essential

From the contents

  • Biotechnology: Safeguarding patentability is essential
  • Plant variety protection + patent law = innovative strength in plant breeding
  • Innovation ecosystem of immeasurable value
  • Farmers are not affected by patent law


For questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us.

 Ricardo Gent

Dr. Ricardo Gent

Biotechnologie, Geschäftsführung DIB

 Marcel Kouskoutis

RA Marcel Kouskoutis

Gewerbliche Schutzrechte, Kartellrecht, Rechtsfragen Digitalisierung, Zivil- und Vertragsrecht