Hormone active substances

VCI Position: Discussion about limit values for endocrine disruptors




Endokrine Wirkung

VCI Position: Discussion about limit values for endocrine disruptors


03 July 2018 | Position

Long version of this document

Is it possible to determine thresholds and limit values for hormone active substances? This question has been discussed for some time among experts and in the political arena, focusing on the environment most recently. The answer to this question has fundamental impacts on the usage of chemicals. In a concise rationale around the topic, VCI takes a firm stand.

The four-pager answers in a short and comprehensible way the following questions:

  • What are endocrine active substances; what are endocrine disruptors?
  • What is a threshold?
  • What is a health-based limit value?
  • How are limit values derived for the environment?
  • For which substances can no thresholds be derived?

and delivers reasons why limit values can be derived for endocrine disruptors.

In a wrap-up, VCI derives three political demands.

You will find the concise rationale in the download sector at the top of this page.


For questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us.

 Claudia Drucker

Dr. Claudia Drucker

Endokrine Effekte, Ökotoxikologie, Toxikologie