European elections on 9 June 2024

Europe needs your voice



Industrieland Deutschland

Europe needs your voice


28 November 2023 | Position

Why every voice counts for a strong EU in the European elections on 9 June 2024.

Many parties, organisations, and initiatives provide information about the available election programmes. © momanuma/
Many parties, organisations, and initiatives provide information about the available election programmes. © momanuma/

The European unification process is one of the greatest political achievements of the past seventy years. Nowadays, the EU provides a safe home and a very high standard of living for around 450 million people. They benefit from the advantages of a large and strong community of states – whether it is the open borders, free trade, or the stable euro. Companies also greatly appreciate the EU single market with its unified regulations and as a lucrative sales market.

European elections on 9 June 2024: Your vote counts!

Even though the advantages of European unity and a strong EU are undisputed, they must always be defended anew. The chemical and pharmaceutical industry is therefore committed to ensuring that as many MEPs as possible who have a clear pro-European compass and a good sense of sustainable industrial policy and location conditions are elected in 2024, thus securing many high-quality jobs.

Use your right to vote - choose a good future in Europe!

The world is changing rapidly. Globalisation, digitalisation, international competition for locations, and a whole series of crises and wars are constantly challenging politics to find good solutions to overcome numerous challenges. Individual countries hardly have a chance to help shape developments in their favour anymore. This makes it all the more important to maintain a strong community of values.

A renationalisation of politics, as propagated by some, would be the wrong path: the major tasks of our time - climate and environmental protection, industrial transformation, migration, and the resolution of military conflicts - can only be tackled within the joint federation of countries in the EU and through further political alliances. That is why the chemical and pharmaceutical industry is campaigning for every single voice that contributes to the EU leveraging its unity and strength and participating in problem-solving.

Chemistry and pharma: In favour of a strong EU

Europe is the home market of German chemical and pharmaceutical companies. They supply more than half of all products sold abroad to other EU member states. This shows the close economic interdependence within the EU, which contributes significantly to the preservation of many above-average paying jobs. The upcoming legislative period must focus on the competitiveness of the industry - and at the same time discard the tendency towards overly detailed regulations. Companies and employees therefore share a common interest in an economically strong EU.

Get informed!

Many parties, organisations, and initiatives provide information about the available election programmes. Make up your own mind and vote well-informed!


For questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us.

 Jenni Glaser

Jenni Glaser

Abteilungsleitung Politische Kommunikation